Caring for Kid’s Glasses Tune-Up Tips and Tricks

Mom Hacks: Four Tips for Taking Care of Kids Eyeglasses

Wearing glasses makes life just a little more complicated and inconvenient for young children.  My daughter has been wearing glasses since she was two (amblyopia and strabismus) and I feel like I've spent a gajillion dollars on frames and lenses. I've learned a lot along the way about caring for kids eyeglasses and want to share my wisdom with those of you just starting the journey.

Getting Your Kids into Glasses

The biggest tip? Let them pick glasses they enjoy. It'll take money and time to find the "just right" pair, but now my tween has learned to love her accessories. She'll be ready for contacts soon, but I think she'll always enjoy shopping for cool frames. 

When it comes to where to shop, Warby Parker and SEE are two of the more popular trendy designers for kids frames. JCP also does a good job and are very affordable.

In the U.S., although 1 in 20 preschoolers needs glasses, only 1 in 100 actually wears them. Two of the biggest complaints are that kids don't want to wear them and that kids break or lose them easily. We've rounded up some of our favorite tips to help solve those problems.

Four Tips for Taking Care of Kids Eyeglasses

  1. Clean. Did you know even the tiniest spec of dust wiped by the softest cloth can be abrasive to your child's lenses? We suggest using a liquid cleaning spray along with a microfiber cleaning cloth to gently clean glasses. We  also like the pre-moistened towlettes to wipe lenses clean.
  2. Kid-Friendly Glass Storage: Keep your child's glasses protected by giving them a fun, kid-friendly place to store them. I also recommend that you label EVERYTHING. The eyeglass case, and if possible the glasses. Mabels Labels makes a million different labels that can be personalized.
  3. Adjust. It's not just your car that needs annual maintenance. Eyeglasses need to be tightened and the bridge often needs realignment. If you have children in glasses, I recommend having a strong relationship with a local eyewear shop. While hunting for bargains is nice, you need to be realistic that your kiddos will be tough on glasses. A local shop can make your investment last longer and make the experience more pleasant for your child.
  4. Proper Handling. It takes a lot of patience, but you can teach your child how to properly handle eyeglasses to make the most of your purchase. Practice taking them on and off with two hands. This helps prevent the frames from getting bent and stretched.

What to Avoid with Kids in Glasses

  • Leaving glasses on the floor. Yep, my older daughter smashed a newish pair that way. The rule is if they aren't on your face, they are in a case.
  • Don't wear them on top of your head. This stretches them out. For some kids the wrap around style with band works best.
  • Don't use household cleaners on your lenses. They are too harsh.

DIY Eyeglass Cleaning Solution

Momtrends Tip: It's pretty easy to make your own eyeglass cleaning solution. 

  • Combine 3 parts rubbing alcohol to 1 part water in a small spray bottle (make sure it's clean). 
  • Add 1-2 drops of dish soap. 
  • Swirl mixture together and replace cap. 
  • To use, spritz onto glasses and wipe with a soft cotton cloth.


  1. Shopping SEE Eyewear for Kids
  2. Personalized School Supplies
  3. Play clothes for cool kids


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