Your bedroom should be your oasis from the chaos of life. When you escape from the world, you don’t want to retreat to a chaotic bedroom. Let’s examine the decluttering bedroom ideas that will make your peaceful oasis a reality.
How do I declutter my bedroom? Asses your room, goals and decluttering challenges. Gather all loose or misplaced items from bedroom surfaces and the floor of the bedroom. Sort through those items and either declutter them or replace them in the proper location. Remove items from all drawers. Sort all like items together. Try every item on. Critically edit all of items and declutter them. Return items neatly back to drawers. Remove all items from your closet. If you’re limited in space, you can remove one category of items at a time. Try every single item on. Ruthlessly critique every item and only keep those that you love and work for your current lifestyle and size. Return them neatly to the closet. Consider removing all extraneous items from the bedroom and relocating them to other areas of the home. Establish a declutter closet routine to monthly or seasonally work through these decluttering bedroom ideas. Decluttering Bedroom Ideas
To make your bedroom a serene space to relax at the end of the day and start the day off right, you need to declutter the bedroom to make space to organize and breathe.
Assess Your Goals and Bedroom Ideas
Determine your goals for your bedroom. Do you want to eliminate clutter to create a serene space? Do you want to make space for new furniture? Pin down your goals to help motivate you when you declutter and help you determine how much space you absolutely need to clear.
Remove Extraneous Items
I’ve lived in more than 20 homes and many times I had an office, or a craft space or a baby nursery in my bedroom. While I understand that sometimes that’s the only answer for your home, whenever possible, remove all items that don’t involve sleeping or getting dressed from your bedroom.
Declutter Clothes Tips You deserve clothes that fit you, fit your lifestyle and that you love. Always gather all clothing items and sort them by category. This allows you to accurately assess how many items you have of each type of clothing or shoes. Seeing all the items together in once place allows you to critically determine how many you really need of each type of clothing. Always try every single item on. Be critical when examining clothing. You are worth items you love. It’s much better to have 10 items that you love than 60 items that are just okay. Remove torn, stained or damaged clothing.Don’t save items because “I’ll get it repaired someday.” If you are not going to have a damaged item repaired in the next two weeks, it has to go. Remove clothing that doesn’t fit you well.Unless you’re pregnant, don’t keep a wardrobe of clothing in smaller or larger sizes. If you do lose or gain weight, there’s no guarantee that those clothes you’re holding onto will fit your new shape well. It’s likely that those clothing items will be out of style. Remove items that are uncomfortable. Remove items that don’t fit your current lifestyle. Remove items that don’t coordinate with other items you have. Don’t keep items that you can’t wear because you don’t have pants or a shirt that go with them.Either commit to purchasing the coordinating item required to make the outfit or let the item go. Use the principles of creating a capsule wardrobe to help you decide what to keep and what to declutter. Declutter Your Closet
Take all items out of your closet by category, including on upper shelves and on the floor. Sort into categories such as:
Jeans Slacks Shorts Skirts Dresses Work Casual Short-Sleeve Long-Sleeve Long-sleeve Tops Short-sleeve Tops Business suits and Blazers Formal Wear Sweaters Athletic wear Jackets Coats
Get your copy of the free Clothes Decluttering Checklist to print and use now.
Declutter Your Drawers
Remove all items from drawers and sort into categories to edit and declutter.
Relocate items that don’t belong in the bedroom to the bathroom, linen closet, office and so on. Remember that you are creating your oasis with these bedroom ideas, so be dedicated to relocating items immediately that don’t belong in the bedroom.
Declutter Shoes
Try on every pair of shoes. Remove any that are:
Uncomfortable Damaged or worn Out of style Don’t work with your current lifestyle or fashion style Declutter Accessories
While some accessories are timeless, many are too trendy to last more than a season or two.
Although styles do come back around, they usually have a modern twist.
When you wear a style the second time around, it’s important not to wear the original or you’ll look like you’re wearing your two decade old clothes. You can share the original version with your daughter or granddaughter – they’ll look like they’re wearing cool vintage clothing.
Establish a Bedroom Decluttering Routine
You can find more specific decluttering bedroom ideas for specific items:
Jeans Socks Scarves, Belts and Accessories Workout or Yard Work Clothes Shoes Sweatshirts and Sweaters
Pin for later so you can share these decluttering bedroom ideas with family and friends (or for yourself).
The post Decluttering Bedroom Ideas appeared first on Organized 31.
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