I've had a love for antique and vintage paper goods and ephemera for many years; old post cards are a favorite. Photos, cards and personal notes, botanical specimens, book illustrations and so many other bits of odds and ends have found their way into my possession. Often old books are literally falling apart or have suffered some sort of damage to the point they cannot be kept, but let me look through them first to remove any pages of art or illustration that I can hang onto.
I've been a little obsessed with the metal hinged free floating picture frames that look vintage that are popular now. I've seen a lot of blog posts that have featured them showcasing antique paper goods or plant specimens. Just like a cloche, a picture frame elevates and spotlights any piece when they are under glass.
A few weeks ago my husband and I stopped at one of my fave vintage markets in Branson for a quick run-thru after a doctor appointment. It seems like that's the only time I really get out and if so, I love a stop anywhere that antiques and market goods are sold. I picked up one of the floating glass frames that I'd been oogling in bloggyland. They had several sizes, but I went with a 5x7 size which works for displaying old postcards. The nice thing about this particular frame is that it can be flipped over and used for a vertical display too. (I don't have a specific link, but the company name is "Creative Co-op")
I love that vintage look closure hinge.
I just secured the postcard with a tiny bit of clear tape to keep it in place.
Since I didn't have but the one frame,
I used an antique glass display box just the size for another antique postcard.
The Dining Room always has good light no matter the weather,
so I brought in one of my glass and metal vanity mirrored trays
and created a vintage Valentine's Day vignette.
One of my sweet little "frenchy" mademoiselles.
... and a vintage Limoges china card holder.
I found this lovely little Vintage Paper Heart Garland
last year on Etsy.
This small glass trinket holder on the mirror is part of a dresser set.
I've seen this before as a "bobby pin" jar.
...and my grandmother's engagement locket.
A small silk fabric change purse with an oval brooch.
I've mentioned this family antique washstand in the past,
that I'm finally getting a chance to use here at this house.
I love decorating it each season and for holidays.
Are you all having a snow and cold temp streak where you are?
So cold even the birds and squirrels aren't out and about.
I'm wandering around in multiple layers of clothes,
socks, and anything warm and snuggly.
Stay warm and dry...
I hope you'll join us on Monday evenings at 6:00 pm central.
joining in here:
Finding Silver Pennies-Sunday The House on Silverado Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda,
All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch Celebrate Your Story at The Zucchini Sisters,
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Party in Your PJ's at Apple Street Cottage Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles
Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode, Share Your Style at French Ethereal
Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage Charming Homes and Gardens at Shiplap and Shells
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home, Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,
Friday with Friends at My Hubbard Home
Embracing Home and Family at the Everyday Farmhouse
Create, Bake, and Grow at Shabby Art Boutique, Farmhouse Friday at The Painted Hinge
#VintagePostcards #Valentine'sDay #February #Washstand #VanityMirror