What to Wear to Legoland

Are you planning a trip to Legoland? We have just what you need in terms of what to wear to Legoland, which special events you should attend and more!

Are you planning a Legoland trip soon? Well, then you're probably going to want to talk about what to wear to Legoland. Because the one thing you want to be when you're taking on an amusement park, is comfortable! And that goes double for the kiddos. My little ones' attitudes can go from sweet to sour in no time flat if they aren't wearing the right gear. So, I'm going to share some of my go-to comfy pieces and brands that are the perfect answer to your what to wear to Legoland question! 

Related: Creative ways to preserve your family travel memories

What to Wear to Legoland

Tea Collection has been one of my favorite brands for years now. Most of their clothes are made from 100% cotton making them breathable and perfect for warmer weather. And the quality can't be beat. I've been able to pass down a ton of Tea Collection pieces to my nephew because they wore so well. And that's why I'm continually updating my kiddos' wardrobes with new Tea Collection outfits. In fact, that's what I chose for our latest Legoland visit. My little Legoland goers rocked the Empire dress, Florida Panther graphic tee and Classic Plaid twill travel shorts.

The Right Accessories

Once you've got the comfy, breathable outfits nailed down, you'll want to focus on accessories. In Florida, we usually sport hats, but sometimes, that's a fight that isn't going to be won with my kids. And that's when sunglasses are lifesavers. Not only do they protect their eyes, but they cut down on the glare that can make walking around an amusement park all day less than fun. Right now my kiddos can't get enough of their Switch frames from Real Shades. These super cool sunnies actually change color. Sometimes they're green, for example, and sometimes they're blue. They're SO cool, I want my own pair. Bwah!

When will you visit?

So, there you have it. My take on what to wear to Legoland. Now that you know what to wear and when to go, all you have to do is plan your trip! I can tell you that thanks to their comfy outfits, my little Star Wars fans wore nothing but smiles all day! I have no doubt that they'll be talking about their Star Wars Days experience for years to come! 

Now if you're lucky enough to live near a Legoland park, you should start checking out their special events calendar. And for more Star Wars fun, check out all the tasty Star Wars themed snacks we rounded up... 


  1. Grand Cayman with Kids
  2. Uncrowded Algarve at Martinhal Sagres Resort
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We were not paid for this post. We did receive samples and park admission. And this post does contain affiliate links.