Closet Essentials Red Cedar Clothes Protector and Moth Repellent Storage Accessories 1-Pack (14 Blocks)

Closet Essentials Red Cedar Clothes Protector and Moth Repellent Storage Accessories 1-Pack (14 Blocks)

Regular price $19.99

Chemical safely naturally repels pests moths mildew mustiness without chemicals closet other storage needs unlike moth balls ball equivalents

Protect valuables clothes moths other pests will destroy precious books expensive cedar blocks are natural insect repellent keep away insects such bugs

Long-lasting revitalize scent sanding cedar find smell strong enough polished wood surface will again natural aroma pests can't stand far away storage system

Natural renewable eastern red cedar harvested forests naturally fast-growing reliable sustainable resource growth processing safe without harsh byproducts chemical pest control air fresheners

Red cedar best natural alternative chemical moth balls protect home family nature's way with freshness protection cuboid each bring outdoors

Aromatic red cedar eastern wood soft with warm natural smell might recall grandma's closet properties come tree oils these are safe effective air fresheners repel pests moths spiders juniperus virginiana species juniper native north america fine-grained brittle pinkish- brownish-red heartwood fragrant very light durable even contact soil because rot resistance used fence posts avoided demand lining clothes chests closets often referred chemical unlike moth balls ball equivalents home family scent pest-control sure get protection without harmful side effects byproducts long lasting renewable refreshed restored fresh pest-repelling refresh sand expose fibers have all-important oil makes powerful power spray distilled version sprayed same freshening effect