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If you like keeping your drawers nice and tidy and care about sloppily folded clothes, then this video tutorial by Clean My Space, on YouTube, is one you won’t want to mi

ss. Sweaters and shirts can be such a difficult thing to store neatly because they are extremely difficult to fold due to all that elastic gathering. Although all of that knitted yarn can be great for making the sweater, and help you stay warm and comfy, they can definitely be a hindrance if you are trying to neatly fold them neatly and store them in the drawers and cabinets. I had never really watched anyone fold sweaters and shirts, but it can make you realize how easy the whole process can actually be. Luckily, in this video tutorial, you will see just how to fold these kinds of difficult items, and the key tucking steps will blow your mind. You...

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These helpful tips for laundry room organization can turn even the most boring of chores into an enjoyable task! This post contains affiliate links. Laundry is not one of my favorite chores, but when I think about how people used to have to clean their clothes, I’m very thankful to have those machines in our house. As far as pretty decorating and organizing ideas go, laundry rooms can sometimes get the short end of the stick. They’re usually located in an out of the way location and mainly used for utilitarian purposes, but maybe a pretty and well organized laundry room would make this chore a little more bearable. I was recently looking for some inspiration and ideas on how...

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